
What is Mazda Mini Truckin’ all about anyways ?

Mazda Mini Truckin was created by Mazda Mitch to provide helpful automotive files that help ensure the survival and enjoyment of your Mazda B2000 B2200 and B2600 trucks from 1986-1993 for years to come. Several files and posts you will find here were saved from the old forums, some are member contributed, and some are from Mitch’s own experiences. He’s been at this a while….

Here you will find the Shop Service Manual, several how-to documents, information on air conditioning, information on the Weber 32/26 carburetor, videos, and much much more.

But as always…there is more to the story.

There was a time when there was no TikTok, no Facebook, no Instagram, no YouTube, really no social media platforms at all other than MySpace. This was back in the golden age of the internet where there were Yahoo Groups and Forums. Those were the days when you could actually find something online using Google Search and it was actually helpful unlike what it has turned into today with all of the “algorithms” and A.I. messing things up.

Back in those days there used to be a very good Mazda Trucking forum, but at some point the domain name renewal lapsed and the website and all of its contents vanished. Some of it was saved using the wayback machine and Google cache, and some of that information is here on this website.

After a while I decided to try and revive that scene using Facebook Groups. I figured Facebook Groups wasn’t going to go anywhere and it would be a good place to host “how-to” files and such. It was a until a little while later that I change my YouTube channel from a personal channel to the way it is now. I started to make videos that helped users of the Facebook Group. It was much easier to post a video to a solution than to have endless time consuming messages.

A little while later I made a website using Google Domains and Sites to host what I would call a backup to the group in case something were to get “weird”. At the start of it all, it was going great. In the Facebook Group you could apply #topics to posts and that made it easy to use the search function within the group to find exactly what you were looking for. On the website there were frequently asked questions page, and from within the group, linking back to the website and YouTube videos were very helpful to many.

Fast forward to present day and Facebook has taken a turn for the worst. With its AI trying to complete your sentences and often getting them wrong, to all of the censorship, and Facebook putting you in “Facebook Jail” and most of it is now done using AI and its getting it all wrong reporting posts that shouldn’t be reported. Then there are the fake accounts and spammer accounts and if they are reported, Facebook does nothing about them. Many say Facebook is dying and I believe it. Facebook Groups currently do not have Ads in the feeds there, but how long before that changes and it makes the groups just as unbearable as the regular part of Facebook. How long before Facebook Groups disappear altogether like Yahoo did with its groups? It could happen.

So here were are….back to the old tried and true ways of internet blog style websites with a forum. I plan to keep the domain alive for as long as I am, and never let it go away.