Category: Cylinder Head

  • Mechanical vs Hydraulic ValveTrain

    Mechanical vs Hydraulic ValveTrain

    So you may have a ticking sound coming from your engine, and through the interwebs you may have read that its the hydraulic lifters or that the valves need adjusting. Then you ask yourself… I need to preface by saying my website and my YouTube channel focus primarily on the 86-93 models, but lets take…

  • B2200 Cylinder Head Torque Specifications

    B2200 Cylinder Head Torque Specifications

    Above is the torque sequence for the B2200 cylinder head. Torque should be done in 20 lb/ft. steps until final torque. Torque numbers are below start with bolt one. Bolts 1-10: 59-64 ft/lbs.Re-torque bolts at 64 ft/lbs after the engine has gone through a few heat cycles. Bolt and block threads should always be cleaned…

  • Mazda B2200 Cylinder Head Dynamics

    Mazda B2200 Cylinder Head Dynamics

    Ok, first of all, for those of you who have not had the opportunity to examine the F2 and the FE cylinder head we will start off with some basic pictures and description. Below are several pictures that should give you a good reference. The head is a very basic design for the most part.…