OGMB2K Today's tech and tolerances I feel are better than even 20 years ago and when we pull original motors apart we are not greeted with gobs of gasket maker.
I mean I'm trying to think of what to say about this but pretend you're in 1990 and stay in 1990. Everything they make for these trucks is OEM so it's the same tolerance as it was in the '80s and 90s nothing has really improved as far as that goes and as far as I'm aware of.
That being said what you're probably finding is you're the second third fourth whatever owner of this truck and the previous guys didn't know what the hell they were doing and they gobbed this shit on.
When it comes to RTV, what I use is Visbela Ultra Gray.
It is oil and antifreeze resistant and it is the closest thing you will find to what Mazda used themselves.
Permatex ultra gray is a close second.
When it comes to the carburetor any type of RTV should not be used, because it is not fuel resistant. For the carburetor the only "sealant" that I would use is permatex high tack.
I've covered that in several of my videos on YouTube and it is a purple ultra sticky never drying sealant that is fuel resistant. Some may say it's not necessary, but I like to do a job once and not do it again. What some will do is simply use the cardboard gaskets that come with the carburetor either alone or with a skim coat of grease applied to them, but what I like to do is take those gaskets and trace them onto felpro material and use the permatex high tack.
Other than that on the engine let's say for instance the intake it has a gasket again I'll trace the gasket onto felpro material and use that but I will skim coat each side of the gasket with the visibella gray RTV.
Same for the front plate on the engine and also for oil pump and water pump stuff it's fantastic.
Use it on the oil pan as well.
The key is to not glob it on you just want a skim coat.