Yeah, with everything unplugged, my guesses are going to start to move to the washer fluid reservoir and its electrical.
However, if that does not pan out, the next step may be to remove the dash to have easier access to the fuse panel. You're getting close ..
Removing the dash may be a bit labor intensive but can be done with just one person. I am sure either Mitch or Flake Garage on YT have videos on how to remove them. Hardest part of any of this is tracking the screws. Buy a box of ziplock sandwich bags and a couple of sharpies and go to town. Take phone pics each step of the way so you can reverse the assembly when done.
Here is a crazy thought .. Does the truck have an aftermarket radio? Does it work? I ask because often the remote turn on for radios and amps are blue wires. The wire color for this harness is primarily blue. This harness starts at the wiper motor and crosses the dash inside the vehicle. Someone may have used a ground or other power cable to power the remote antenna on the radio and created a short. I have seen stranger things.
Sorry your going through this .. My truck is an all around nightmare and is being completely restored but at least I anticipated all the headaches ..