OK, had a little time to do a little rattle canning over the weekend, so I decided to paint the valve cover for the motor, the Magnum I found. This is stage one, there is still more work I intend to do to the valve cover, but I have to let the paint dry and cure.
This took the better part of the day, as I laid 5 coats of paint waiting 20 minutes between each coat. I was surprised by how well this paint laid down. Almost as good as using a spray gun. The paint I used was something new from Rust oleum, their 5 n 1 spray cans. This is not an endorsement by any means, but I did want to point out that this new can does change spray patterns, from the traditional round to an actual fan pattern both vertical and horizontal. So see for yourself, that was the result before I clearcoat the valve cover.
I'll probably take it down some with 2K or 5K grit wet sand paper then shoot the clear. Regardless, being my kid's first car, we are likely going to rattle can the entire truck with this product in this color.