As many of you may now know, with the new reworking of this website, it allows me to make “posts” or “articles” much like a blog from back in the day.
That’s right… blogs, websites, and forums are making a comeback as people are growing tired of social apps!
Anyways, I will use the medium to keep you all up to date with the things I do that do not warrant a YouTube Video.
With that being said, I have been busy around the compound doing things that just have to be done. Mazda stuff has taken a back seat for the moment.
The shop is an ever evolving thing as far as organization and will be for quite some time. I have it almost the way I want it, but what has been holding me up is tools and the organization of my tools.
I have my Dads old toolboxes that I have been around my entire life and I wanted to restore them and put them to use. I started on that several months ago degreasing them and blasting them with the pressure washer.
I thought I would just take a few dents out, and lightly sand, then prime and paint, however these were in ROUGH shape, so I had to take a lot of it down to the metal, take care of the rusted areas, work the dents out…not all of em, and then use and DTM high build primer on all the drawer faces and cabinets, then sand that all smooth, and paint it.
I think it all turned out really well. Thinking back I should have taken more videos of the entire process and with a little editing flair it may have made a good video. Well maybe next time on something else.
If you are new here I do have a YouTube channel that I primarily do Mazda related content on. However, I didn’t make it for that reason alone, that’s just what it turned into. That is why sometimes you may see “unrelated content” like the shop progression and this tool box restoration as I like to sometimes just record my life so I can look back on it from the old folks home later in life.

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