Hey! I am having some serious trouble with my 1990 Mazda B2600i MaxiCab 4x4.
So the backstory: I was driving to school and it ran perfect, like it was new! So I parked at school and when I was reversing out of the parking lot to go home, it died! Just like you turned the ignition off.
So I checked for spark, and there was no spark. Plugs look very dry as well so I assume it has no injector pulse either. Fuel pump works as it should.
I troubleshooted what I could with the knowledge I have, and found that there is no spark even from ignition coil.
What has been done so far: New ignition coil, new igniter, new ICM in distributor, new rotor, ECM has been checked over, Main Relay has been checked as well as all fuses and voltage at ignition coil has been checked. (12,5V with ign. on, 10,5V while cranking) Heard that coil can be checked with LED test light as well, on the white pigtail by the coil, while cranking the LED light stays lit, no flashing. Whatever that means 🤷♂️
I have probably forgotten something, but oh well.
I have tried looking at wiring diagrams but I can't really make sense of them...
I have been scrolling trough all forum posts and everything I can find, but nothing seems to help..
I really want to get this truck fixed now as it is my only form of transportation and it has been sitting for about 4 months...
Thanks in advance for any and all help / David