OGMB2K this is been done on YouTube for several vehicles and it's actually pretty cool. It's pretty much self-contained and only requires a GPS module so that it can control the strength of the steering depending on your speed.
However I am standing firmly in the stance that these trucks do not even need power steering.
There's definitely a difference in the gearing between a non-power steering gearbox and a power steering gear box.
I have two trucks that do not have power steering and they steer totally fine and they're not floaty at all I actually prefer them over the power steering models cuz I have driven the power steering models and I feel like it's too floaty.
This new project truck that's an automatic of course it has power steering but I doubt I will change my mind once I get it running.
I like to FEEL the road.
That doesn't mean I have to fight the road or anything like that you actually just feel it better when it's manual steering.