idslayer New rotor, cap, ignition control module, coil. But what is this for? Black connector goes to the negative terminal of the coil. Body of unit bolts to the front of the engine bay, near the coil.
Cusser Looks like the static capacitor Condenser/capacitor static reducer for distributor: ECH RC111 or fa83 or p13045 from NAPA Search "radio capacitor" at NAPA Mazda number is S101-66-991
idslayer idslayer OK -- stupid question, now that I looked at the link. It looks different, more like the one that's wired to the coil on the positive post.
idslayer I was told to check the positive and negative terminals of the coil with a test light. The positive side of the coil with the ignition on is hot. I was told that the negative terminal should flash when the engine turns over. Instead, the negative terminal is hot with just the ignition on. It's a new ignition control module. Any ideas what to replace, next?