Yes, as Mitch has pointed out, it is a Phenolic resin material and it just helps keep the carb cooler, since hot coolant flows through the Mazda intakes. The whole intake & carb (with spacer attached) was given to me by a friend when I rebuild his engine for him. I'm not really sure how much it helps, if it does, as I haven't compared it to not using it. My truck's engine runs pretty good, so I'm not messing with it honestly. I'm not sure where my friend bought it, but I will ask him when I speak to him again......he's up in SC and I'm in FL......I drove up there and picked up the engine that he wanted me to rebuild, and once I got the short block together, he drove down and we pulled his engine and used the head off of it, finished it and installed the new engine over a weekend.
You should have seen the engine that we pulled out of it! It was a rebuild also, but I think that someone bored the block to clean up the cylinders, and put the original pistons back in........all of the piston skirts were cracked or broken, and some of them were in the oil pan! He drove it down here like that!! was making some noise!
I know you want to see some pics.....right?