Not much different really versus a stock B.
My lift components are a 3” body lift. The kit you buy online sucks, so just make your own if you decide to do this.
The leaf springs in the rear are stock Mazda springs and shocks, believe it or not! The shackles are lift shackles but I’m ditching them in favor of some thicker ones. Shackles suck for lifting anyways. 1” of longer shackle gets you only 1/2” lift.
The biggest component of the lift for mine is converting to spring over vs spring under. That and the tires.
Front suspension is also leaf, I had to clean up most of the stock stuff (IE remove) and weld in brackets for the new springs. I used Jeep CJ5 springs as they are short and easy to center. I did add a crossmember beam to the front, that was a pain but I got it in. Sadly most of the photos I took are long gone, but I have a couple